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Library Hours 2pm – 10pm
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Special Collections & Archives Closed
The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Reed Library: Print, Copy, Scan


  • Make photocopies using your FREDCard.
  • Photocopies are $.10/page.
  • Funds will be deducted from your FREDFunds.
  • If you do not have sufficient FREDFunds, you may add value to your card in the Student Accounts Office or through the FSA website


Our book scanners allow patrons to scan documents to PDF or JPEG formats, to e-mail or save to a flash drive.


One of our microform machines allows for free printing direct from the film. Another can scan the film to a PDF, which you may email to yourself to print. Students can print this PDF using their print quota. Community members will need to purchase a print top-up card if they wish to print the item in the Library.

Community Members

Computer use: Community patrons can use any of four PCs near the Circulation Desk. A community login/password is needed.  For this, go to the Circulation Desk with a valid photo ID (NYS drivers license, non-driver ID card from NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles, military ID, passport, FredCard). You can get a day-long or long-term login. 

To print: Printing is available through the purchase of a top-up card at the Circulation Desk. Top-up cards can be purchased using a Fredonia gift card, available at the bookstore or convenience store.

See the Community and Alumni page for details.

Printer Locations

Reed Library has three black and white printers and one color printer available on the first floor. 

➤B&W - at the Printing Hub
➤B&W - at the Printing Hub
➤B&W - in front of the computer island next to the DVD Collection
➤Color - at the Printing Hub


Printing in Reed Library poster

How do I pick up my printouts?
After sending a job to the Library printers, go to any available printer and tap your FREDCard on the red light near the front of the printer. If you do not have your FREDCard with you, you can use the touch screen to log in using your eServices username and password. Your prints will then be automatically released.

Can I send more than one printout at once?
Yes! You can send any number of jobs and release them at once. Printing jobs are held in the queue for up to eight hours.

How do I pay for my printing?
Each student begins the semester with a $20 balance in their print quota. Students can view their available balance from any campus computer, or online at

How do I print from my laptop?
Follow these instructions to print wirelessly.

How much does each page cost?
Single-sided black & white page - $.03
Double-sided (duplexed) black & white page - $.04
Single-sided color page - $.10
Double-sided color page - $.16

What if I run out of printing money?
Purchase a $3.00 Print Quota Top-Up Card at the circulation desk using FREDFunds. The card will show the value, code, and web address. Access the web address and then enter the code to add the indicated amount to your account. If you do not have sufficient FREDFunds for the top-up card, you may add value to your card in the Student Accounts Office or through the FSA website.

How do I print double-sided from a Mac?
For Adobe Reader:
Select printer → Click yes on the "Printer Set Up..." message → Select two sided option
For Microsoft Word:
Click on the Copy & Pages drop down menu → Select "Layout" → Select "Two Sided" → Select "Long Edge Binding" or "Short Edge Binding"

Research Assistance

In-person: Reference Hours

Call: 716-673-3222
Text: 716-407-7698

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Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
FB: @ReedLibraryInsta: @SUNYFredLibrary X: @SUNYFredLibrary

Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike logo Except where otherwise noted, this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.