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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Reed Library: Renew

Renew - Reed Library or Interlibrary Loan materials

Materials (books, scores, DVDs, CDs) can be renewed in person at the Circulation Desk, by phone, or online from Reed Library's homepage - go to  ReedSearch

  1. In the upper right corner, Sign In.
  2. Click on Fredonia Students, Faculty, Staff.
  3. Enter your Fredonia e-services username and password.  (If you do not know your eServices username and password, please log in to Your Connection. Your username and password are located under "Personal Information."​)
  4. Your name will appear in the upper right corner. Use the pulldown menu by your name.
  5. Click on My Loans.
  6. Any item that you have out on loan will appear.
  7. Click on Renew to renew the item(s) of your choice.

Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
FB: @ReedLibraryInsta: @SUNYFredLibrary X: @SUNYFredLibrary

Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

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