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Special Collections & Archives: Special Collections Home

Webpage for the Daniel A. Reed Library Special Collections & Archives department.

Daniel A. Reed Library's

Special Collections & Archives

How Do I Bring My Class?

SUNY Fredonia Faculty can request class sessions in the Special Collections & Archives Reading Room or add a class session using archival materials by visiting Reed Library's Instruction Menu and making a Reservation.

Research With Us

Do you need to work with our collections and aren't sure where to start? 

Make a Research Consultation Request by filling out the form under the Research @ Special Collections tab. 

During this in-person or virtual appointment, the Coordinator of Special Collections & Archives will work with you to discuss your research needs and make recommendations for which materials in our collections could fit that need.  After your Research Consultation appointment, you will be able to schedule a Research Appointment with Special Collections & Archives staff to come to the reading room and use your requested materials.

Please email the Coordinator for Special Collections & Archives with any questions or for more information about the research consultation, archives instruction, and research appointment processes. 

Collection Highlights

Photograph of William W. Cease with Jaguar, ca. 1964. LRH002.30 William W. Cease Papers

photograph of a smiling man in a tan jacket next to a Jaguar sports car

Photograph of Fredonia Normal School building, ca.1890. UC008.03 Photographs, University Collections & Records Archive

Black and white photograph of original Fredonia Normal School building, an imposing Gothic structure with spires and a central spired dome over the main hall.

Map of Lands Reserved by the Indians According to the Treaty Made with Them in 1797, 1797. DC004.02 Holland Land Company Maps, Holland Land Company Archives Digitized Microfilm

Courtesy of Municipal Archives of Amsterdam; Nederlandse Document Reproductie B.V.


Historic hand-drawn map of the Western region of New York State, including what are now Chautauqua and Erie counties, from the Holland Land Company Maps digital collection

Photograph of Alfred Zweig, Arosa, 1934. SC001.04 Stefan Zweig Collection, Alfred Zweig Collection

black and white photograph of a man wearing sunglasses and a coat seated on a bench with his pet Dachshund.

Cover of Sigurd Rascher Plays the Saxophone, 1960. SC002.10.1 Audio Recordings, Sigurd M. Rascher Collection

vinyl record album cover for Sigurd Rascher Plays the Saxophone.  Features stylized drawings of saxophones and marching band members in red and white costumes.

Tin Type Photograph of Abriam Orton, ca. 1860s. LRH002.19 Abiram Orton Papers

historic photograph of man in Civil War Union Soldier uniform holding bayoneted rifle.

Interior of Victorian Valentine, ca. 1900s. LRH002.35 Valentines, Nichols Ephemera Collection

antique drawing of Cupid hammering a heart surrounded by poem text

Photograph of Maytum Hall Sit-In Protest, 1970. UC008.03 Photographs, University Collections & Records Archive

black and white photograph of a large group of students crowded in a curved hallway

Correspondence of Benno Geiger to Stefan Zweig, 1910. SC001.01 Correspondence, Stefan Zweig Collection

handwritten letter in German cursive script

Photograph of Meeting at Forest Temple, Lily Dale Assembly, ca. 1910s. LRH002.26, Lois Potter Collection

black and white photograph of a Victorian-era crowd seated on rough-hewn benches in front of an open-air temple structure in the woods

Photograph of Fire at Fredonia Normal School, 1900. UC008.03 Photographs, University Collections & Records Archive

historic photograph of the original Fredonia Normal School building (Gothic-style structure shown earlier in this series) after it burned down; the spires and dome and roof are mostly gone, with smoky windowed walls still standing in a snowy landscape.

Headshot Photograph, Sigurd M. Rascher.  SC002.08.3 Visual Media - Photographs, Sigurd M. Rascher Collection

black and white portrait photograph of a man (Sigurd Rascher) with bushy hair wearing glasses and a suit and tie.

Postcard of Fox Cottage at Lily Dale Assembly, ca. 1910. LRH002.35 Western New York Postcards, Nichols Ephemera Collection

postcard image of a small cottage in the woods; hand-colored photograph

Photograph of Two Women Sawing a Log at the College Lodge, ca. 1950s. UC008.03 Photographs, University Collections & Records Archive

black and white photograph of two women in the woods using a two-person saw to cut a log in half.

Hours of Operation

During the Fall & Spring Semesters, regular hours for Reed Library's Special Collections & Archives Division are:

Monday - Friday:

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


CLOSED Saturday & Sunday


Walk-in requests are not accepted, and appointments are mandatory.

Contact Us

Where We Are In The Library:

Special Collections & Archives are located on the 1st floor of the Carnahan-Jackson Center (accessible through the main floor of the Daniel A. Reed Library) on the campus of the State University of New York at Fredonia. View a Google Map of our location.

Phone & Email:

Please email for general inquiries,

or contact the Coordinator of Special Collections & Archives directly.

PH: +1 716-673-3183

To make a research appointment for the use of Special Collections materials, please complete the Archives Research Consultation Request form.

Walk-in requests are not accepted, and appointments for the use of materials are mandatory.

Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
FB: @ReedLibraryInsta: @SUNYFredLibrary X: @SUNYFredLibrary

Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

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