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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Special Collections & Archives: Books & Manuscripts

Webpage for the Daniel A. Reed Library Special Collections & Archives department.

Rare Books, Special Collections, & Manuscripts


We have several unique collections of rare and subject-specific books in a wide variety of languages, ranging from the late seventeenth century through the mid-twentieth century.  


Our Special Collections volumes and Rare Books can be found using ReedSearch.

Rare Books & Special Collections

Archival Collections Books are bound volumes that are a part of one or more of our University Collections or Local & Regional History archival collections, but are kept separately from the rest of their collection for preservation purposes.


The Dr. Jeffrey B. Berlin Zeitgeist of Stefan Zweig Collection was donated in 2021 by the Berlin family, and consists of a selection of books from the personal research library of Weimar Studies expert Dr. Jeffrey B. Berlin, who visited Fredonia often to use the Stefan Zweig Collection in his research. 


The Dr. Randolph J. Klawiter Collection was donated in 2021 by the Klawiter family, and is the entire personal research collection of renowned Stefan Zweig bibliographer Dr. Randolph J. Klawiter.  


The Hans P. Kraus Collection comprises rare European volumes from the Interwar Period and represents a large sample of Jewish authors, illustrators, artists, and poets who were persecuted and held in the concentration camps of World War II -- along with Kraus himself.  These volumes were collected by Kraus after his release from the camps and subsequent escape to the United States, in order to preserve the legacies of those artists, writers, and creatives with whom he was imprisoned.


Our collection of Holland Land Company Books consists of biographies of Holland Land Company agents, histories of the Holland Land Company, and secondary studies about the Holland Land Company and its development that were written using the Holland Land Company Microfilm Collection held in Reed Library. 


In addition to these collections, there are many individual Rare Books that cover a variety of topics, geographical and chronological origins, and bookmaking styles. Many of these are artist books, created with specialized materials in limited runs for a specific purpose.  For a closer look at our Rare Book volumes, please make a Research Appointment Request, contact us to request a tour, or check out our social media feeds.


The volumes represented in Special Collections Music are bound scores with historic value, featuring several rare music books, artist music books, limited editions of guides for specialized performances, and historic music books.


The Spiritualism Collection of books consists of several rare volumes regarding the history of Spiritualism, especially its localized presence in Chautauqua County at the town of Lily Dale.


The Stefan Zweig Published Works Collection contains copies of publications authored by Stefan Zweig, including many first editions.


The Stefan Zweig Secondary Studies Collection consists of books published about Stefan Zweig, his life, and/or his correspondence; analyses of his works; and publications that have used parts of the Stefan Zweig Collection in their research.  This collection has an international language scope, and is actively growing with regular new acquisitions.


The Western New York History Books Collection is a group of books that collectively document and discuss the history and formation of communities, industries, and the general development of the Western New York region since its beginnings.  This collection covers a variety of subjects, from geology and religious history to niche industries, and serves to showcase the complex history of our hometown region.


Our Western New York Publishers & Authors Collection highlights the writing and publishing activity of native Western New Yorkers, with a special focus on Chautauqua County authors and publishers.  

Manuscript Collections

Several examples of manuscripts exist throughout all facets of our collections, including Signature Collections, University Collections, and Local & Regional History Collections, as well as several Individual Manuscripts, including a small selection of Holland Land Company manuscript items.

Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
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