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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Special Collections & Archives: Virtual Exhibits

Webpage for the Daniel A. Reed Library Special Collections & Archives department.

Welcome to Our Virtual Exhibits Page!

Student-Curated Exhibits & Digital Humanities Projects

The digital humanities projects and virtual exhibits featured here were created by SUNY Fredonia students in classes or independent study courses that have a focus on primary source research and encouraged students to take a deeper dive into an individual's life using the documents and materials that comprise their personal archives and utilizing these items to tell a part of that person's story.

Special Collections & Archives Virtual Exhibits

The virtual exhibits here were created by Special Collections & Archives staff to celebrate our collections.

Contact Information

Where We Are In The Library:

Special Collections & Archives are located on the 1st floor of the Carnahan-Jackson Center (accessible through the main floor of the Daniel A. Reed Library) on the campus of the State University of New York at Fredonia. View a Google Map of our location.

Phone & Email:

Please email for general inquiries,

or contact the Coordinator of Special Collections & Archives directly.

PH: +1 716-673-3183

To make a research appointment for the use of Special Collections materials, please complete the Archives Research Consultation Request form.

Walk-in requests are not accepted, and appointments for the use of materials are mandatory.

Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
FB: @ReedLibraryInsta: @SUNYFredLibrary X: @SUNYFredLibrary

Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike logo Except where otherwise noted, this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.