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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Special Collections & Archives: Signature Collections

Webpage for the Daniel A. Reed Library Special Collections & Archives department.

Signature Collections


These are the very collections that have brought academic notoriety to the Fredonia campus and have inspired many researchers, scholars, and experts from across the globe to visit in order to perform specialized research on highly unique materials that include manuscripts, scores, microfilm, ledgers, musical instruments, correspondence, books, and more.

Our Signature Collections include the Stefan Zweig Collection, the Sigurd Raschèr Collection, the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet Collection, the Enrico Caruso Victrola Recordings Collection, and the Reed Library Arts Collection.  

Stefan Zweig Collection (SC001)

SC001 Includes:

SC001.01     Correspondence

SC001.02     Manuscripts and Typescripts

SC001.03    Personal Papers and Ephemera

















Sigurd M Rascher Collection (SC002)

SC002 Arrangement:

SC002.01    Scores 

SC002.02    Correspondence

SC002.03    Performance Documents

SC002.04    Education & Teaching Documents

SC002.05    Business Documents

SC002.06    SMR's Research & Writing

SC002.07    SMR Bound Volumes

SC002.08    Visual Media

SC002.09    Audiovisual Recordings

SC002.10    Physical Objects

SC002.10.1    Instruments

SC002.10.2    Artifacts

SC002.10.3    Awards

SC002.10.4    Ephemera

SC002.11    Personal Papers

SC002.12    Writings About & Tributes to SMR

Rascher Saxophone Quartet Collection (SC003)

SC003 is currently unprocessed and is unavailable to researchers.


Holland Land Company Materials (SC004)

SC004 Includes:

SC004.01  Holland Land Company Archives Microfilm

SC004.02  Holland Land Company Ledgers

SC004.03  Holland Land Company Manuscripts & Ephemera

The Inventory of the Archives of the Holland Land Company, 1789-1869 by Dr. Wilhelmina C. Pieterse (Municipal Archives Amsterdam, 1976) provides detailed information on the contents of each volume in the SC004.01 Holland Land Company Archives Microfilm collection. The Inventory was reproduced with kind permission of the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam and Nederlandse Document Reproductie B.V.




Enrico Caruso Victrola Recordings (SC005)

Reed Library Arts Collection (SC006)

About The Stefan Zweig Collection (SC001)

Stefan ZweigThe Stefan Zweig Collection at Fredonia contains over 6,000 manuscript letters written to Zweig by over 300 correspondents (1900-1942). Notable correspondents include Martin Buber, Albert Schweitzer, Richard Strauss, Rainer Maria Rilke, Luigi Pirandello, Jules Romains, Joseph Roth, Frans Masereel and Virginia Woolf among others. In addition, the archive contains manuscript and typescript drafts for many of Zweig's works, including fiction, poetry, drama, essays, and historical and biographical studies. The collection constitutes one of the most significant holdings of Zweig manuscripts in the world. 

Further materials include correspondence between the author and his first wife, Friderike Zweig; letters written to Friderike by other correspondents; a small collection of documents belonging to the author's brother, Alfred Zweig, including correspondence, memorabilia and photographs; and miscellaneous secondary sources and published material, including articles, theatre programs and reviews of Zweig's works.  Special Collections & Archives also holds a significant number of published works by and about Zweig, including biographies, translations and multilingual critical studies.Stefan Zweig

Researchers may also wish to consult the Stefan Zweig Bibliography wiki compiled and maintained by noted Zweig bibliographer Dr. Randolph J. Klawiter. The wiki continues the late Dr. Klawiter's print bibliography and is now a collaborative effort of the Literaturarchiv Salzburg and Reed Library's Special Collections & Archives.

Select materials from Reed Library's Stefan Zweig Collection can now be found online via the Stefan Zweig Digital Project, an international collaboration that serves to centralize digital access for a variety of archives, libraries, and museums from all over the world with significant holdings of Stefan Zweig's personal and professional papers.  Reed Library's contributions to the Stefan Zweig Digital Project are made possible thanks to an ongoing internship program with Fredonia's Photography program and the Visual Arts & New Media Department.

Photo (upper left): Stefan Zweig, ca. 1930. Photo (lower right): Stefan Zweig, ca. 1938. Copyright for both unknown.
Stefan Zweig Collection, Special Collections & Archives, State University of New York at Fredonia.

About the Sigurd Rascher Collection (SC002)

Sigurd M. RascherThe Sigurd Rascher Collection represents one of the finest collections of manuscript materials documenting the development of the saxophone's role within 20th-century classical music in the country. Donated by Rascher's daughter, Carina, to the Special Collections & Archives of Reed Library at Fredonia in 2004, the collection traces the life and work of the preeminent classical saxophonist Sigurd M. Rascher (1907-2001) and offers musicians, composers and scholars alike the opportunity to engage with Raschèr's brilliant and prolific career, including his connection with Fredonia's celebrated School of Music.

Extending over 75 linear feet, the collection includes signed and printed scores, correspondence, photographs, clippings, business records, audio materials, ephemera, and, not least, several of Rascher's own instruments.

In 2010-2011, a comprehensive audio preservation project resulted in the digitization of the collection's analog audio materials in the following formats: 78 RPM shellac, instantaneous transcription disc, 45 RPM disc, LP album, 1/4" reel to reel and cassette tape.  These digitized materials are now available for patron use in-house only on the Rascher Listening Station in the Special Collections Reading Room.

Although the full collection is not completely processed, the majority of the Sigurd Rascher Collection, including scores and correspondence, is open to researchers by appointment only. The release of the comprehensive finding aid is expected in 2024.

For research inquiries, please complete the Archives Research Request form.

Photo: Sigurd Rascher with contrabass saxophone in case, holding keyless alto saxophone, June 1964©Marilyn Mason
Sigurd M. Rascher Collection, Special Collections & Archives, State University of New York at Fredonia.


About the Rascher Saxophone Quartet Collection (SC003)

Arriving after the Sigurd M. Rascher Collection and also donated by Carina Rascher, this collection covers the history, touring activity, and musical career of the Rascher Saxophone Quartet, a world-renowned saxophone quartet founded in 1969 by original members Sigurd Rascher, Carina Rascher, and Fredonia School of Music alumni Linda Bangs and Bruce Weinburger.  The Rascher Saxophone Quartet is still together and touring, and recently performed at Fredonia in celebration of their 50th Anniversary.

This collection is undergoing processing and is currently unavailable to researchers.  


About the Holland Land Company Materials (SC004)

The Holland Land Company records on microfilm comprise materials relating to the United States investment activities of the Holland Land Company, an early 19th-century Dutch conglomerate of six Dutch banking houses.

The microfilm records held by Reed Library span the years 1789-1869. The reels were created from original documents held by the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam in the Netherlands with the permission of the Municipal Archives and the assistance of Nederlandse Document Reproductie B.V.

Patrons may access the microfilm reels in the Microforms Room of Reed Library during normal operating hours and do not need to schedule an appointment to do so. Please note that select microfilm reels, including all of the maps and all of the Western New York land transactions (indexed in Karen Livsey's Western New York Land Transactions, 1804-1824 and 1825-1835) have been digitized and are freely accessible on the New York Heritage website. 

The following microfilm reels contain supplementary Holland Land Company materials. The reels are located in the Microforms Room of Reed Library. Patrons may access them at any time during normal operating hours.

  • Field notes of the grand survey of the Genesee lands - 2 reels 
  • Field notes of the surveys of ranges and township lines - 3 reels 
  • Lot survey field notebooks, 1798-1815 - 23 reels
  • Holland Land Company records and related documents in the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society (includes the Joseph Ellicott Correspondence) - 25 reels
  • Holland Land Company and related records in Reed Library (pertaining mostly to Cattaraugus County) - 23 reels
  • Holland Land Company and Chautauqua Land Office records in Patterson Library, Westfield - 52 reels
  • Holland Land Company records in the Batavia Land Office Museum - 17 reels

We do not have the staffing to conduct extensive searches of the Holland Land Company microfilm for patrons. Patrons who are unable to consult the microfilm in person are encouraged to investigate the option of Interlibrary Loan through their local library.

Image: Map of Morris's Purchase or West Geneseo in the State of New York, ca. 1814. HLC Map 0097, from Archives of the Holland Land Company microfilm collection, Reed Library, State University of New York at Fredonia. Courtesy of State University of New York at Fredonia Special Collections & Archives; Municipal Archives of Amsterdam; Nederlandse Document Reproductie B.V.

About the Enrico Caruso Victrola Recordings (SC005)

The collection comprises 78 rpm shellac disc recordings featuring famed tenor and early recording artist Enrico Caruso, many only recorded on one side. Caruso recorded the mostly operatic songs at the Victor/Victrola Talking Machine recording studios in New Jersey and New York City between 1904 and 1920.

Reed Library Arts Collection (SC006)

The Reed Library Arts Collection has been assembled over the past several decades, with a focus on print multiples, artist books, and works on canvas. The Reed Library Arts Collection encompasses artistic works donated to Reed Library, artistic works found in Special Collections & Archives, and artistic works created by SUNY Fredonia students/alumni and faculty.

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