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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Music Collection: Children's Books


Welcome! Use this guide to locate children's books that can be used in the music classroom.

Reed Library's Juvenile Collection is located on the Second Floor of the Carnahan-Jackson Center. It is organized based on content:

Call Number Start Description
JUV E Fiction (Picture Books, Easy Readers), organized by author's last name
JUV F Fiction (Chapter Books, Young Adult Novels), organized by author's last name

JUV [001 → 999]

Non-Fiction, organized by the Dewey Decimal System

(Books on music are in 780 → 789)

Can't find what you're looking for? Try searching our entire catalog using ReedSearch. Students and faculty can also use Interlibrary Loan to request materials not owned by Reed Library.

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Additional Resources

Beresford, A. (2020). Books in the music classroom: Stories to stimulate learning. Canadian Music Educator, 61(3), 6–9. sunyfredonia&sid=bookmark-PROF&xid=884025f6 

Brinson, S. A. (2012). Knowledge of multicultural literature among early childhood educators. Multicultural Education, 19(2), 30. AONE?u=sunyfredonia&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=3fcab40a

El Koubi, N. H. (2005). Idea bank: More children’s literature in the music classroom. Music Educators Journal, 91(4), 73–73.

Gauthier, D. R. (2005). Children’s literature in the music classroom: Finding the music within. Music Educators Journal, 91(3), 51–56.

Hall, S. (2021). Using picture books as a tool for creating a culturally inclusive elementary music classroom. General Music Today, 34(2), 19–25. 

Hall, S. (2023). Idea bank: Children’s books: A great partner in the music classroom. Music Educators Journal, 109(3), 17–20.

Miller, B. A. (2008). A harmonious duet: Music and children’s literature. General Music Today, 21(2), 18–24. 

Montgomery, A. P. (2012). “Over in the meadow” and beyond: Singing for joy with song-based picture books. Canadian Music Educator, 53(4), 29–32. A311183785/PROF?u=sunyfredonia&sid=bookmark-PROF&xid=c9abc057

Watts, S. H., & Piña, K. (2023). Bibliotherapy and social and emotional learning in the elementary music setting. Journal of General Music Education, 36(3), 5–12 https://doi. org/10.1177/27527646231154541

General directories/resources for diverse literature:

Black Voices:



Native American:


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Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

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