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Getting Books Not Available at Reed Library
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Searching for Books
ReedSearch is often the best place to start your search for books. Below you will find a small selection of items that exist in our physical and digital collections, as well as links to open access collections.
Books By Type
Assessing Student Learning
Assessing Student Learning is a standard reference for college faculty and administrators, and the third edition of this highly regarded book continues to offer comprehensive, practical, plainspoken guidance.
Call Number: LB2336 .S87 2018
Education and Social Change
This brief, interpretive history of American schooling focuses on the evolving relationship between education and social change. Like its predecessors, this new edition investigates the impact of social forces such as industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and cultural conflict on the development of schools and other educational institutions. It also examines the various ways that schools have contributed to social change, particularly in enhancing the status and accomplishments of certain social groups and not others. Detailed accounts of the experiences of women and minority groups in American history consider how their lives have been affected by education at key points in the past. Updates to this edition A revised final chapter updated to include recent changes in educational politics, finance, policy, and a shifting federal policy context Enhanced coverage and new conceptual frames for understanding the experiences of women and people of color in the midst of social change Edited throughout to update information and sources regarding the history of American education and related processes of social transformation in the nation's past
Call Number: LA205 .R67 2020
Personalizing 21st Century Education
Personalizing 21st Century Education begins with a manifesto for change, emphasizing the significance of true personalization for every learner. Next, it describes classroom, school, and system-level performance indicators that suggest that personalization is alive and well. The authors examine the historical origins of most modern school cultures i.e., a commitment to standardization, depersonalization, and test-driven metrics that ignore the complexity and totality of the whole child. Throughout the are success stories showcasing schools and districts that are currently beating the odds and providing a truly personalized learning environment for their students.
Call Number: LB2806 .D63 2016
Philosophy of Education
This classic text, originally designed to give the education student a comprehensive look at philosophical thought in relation to teaching, learning, research, and educational policy, has now been updated to reflect the most current thinking in the field. A revised chapter on Logic and Critical Thinking makes the topic more accessible to students and examines how critical thinking plays a role in light of the new Common Core standards. Philosophy of Education introduces students to the evolution of educational thought, from the founding fathers to contemporary theorists, with consideration of both analytic and continental traditions. This is an essential text not only for teachers and future teachers, but also for anyone needing a survey of contemporary trends in philosophy of education.
Call Number: LB14.7 .N63 2016
Proof, Policy, and Practice: Understanding the Role of Evidence in Improving Education
How can we "fix" our schools? Improve graduation rates in college? What works? These are questions that make the headlines and vex policy makers, practitioners, and educational researchers. While they strive to improve society, there are frequently gulfs of mutual incomprehension among them. Academics, longing for more influence, may wrongly fault irrationality, ideology, or ignorance for the failure of research to inform policy and practice more powerfully. Policy makers and practitioners may doubt that academics can deliver ideas that will reliably yield desirable results. This book bridges the divide. It argues that unrealistic expectations lead to both unproductive research and impossible standards for "evidence-based" policy and practice, and it offers promising ways for evidence to contribute to improvement. It analyzes the utility and limitations of the different research methods that have been applied to policy and practice, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of educational reform strategies. It explains why using evidence for "accountability" often makes things worse rather than better. Paul Lingenfelter offers educational researchers and policy makers a framework for considering such questions as: What problems are important and accessible? What methods will be fruitful? Which help policy makers and practitioners make choices and learn how to improve? What information is relevant? What knowledge is valid and useful? How can policy makers and practitioners establish a more productive division of labor based on their respective capabilities and limitations? He cautions against the illusion that straight-forward scientific approaches and data can be successfully applied to society's most complex problems. While explaining why no single policy or intervention can solve complex problems, he concludes that determination, measurement, analysis, and adaptation based on evidence in specific situations can lead to significant improvement. This positive, even-handed introduction to the use of research for problem-solving concludes by suggesting emerging practices and approaches that can help scholars, practitioners, and policy leaders become more successful in reaching their fundamental goals.
Call Number: LB1028.25.U6 L56 2016
The Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education
A volume in Handbook of Resources in Middle Level Education The second edition of The Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education has been revised, updated, and expanded since its original publication in 2005. The Encyclopedia is a comprehensive overview of the field; it contains alphabetically organized entries that address important concepts, ideas, terms, people, organizations, publications, and research studies specifically related to middle grades education. This edition contains over 210 entries from nearly 160 expert contributors, this is a 25% increase in the number of entries over the first edition. The Encyclopedia is aimed at a general audience including undergraduate students in middle-level teacher preparation programs, graduate students, higher education faculty, and practitioners and administrators. The comprehensive list of entries are comprised of both short entries (500 words) and longer entries (2000 words). A significant number of entries appearing in the first edition have been revised and updated. Citations and references are provided for each entry.
High School Graduation: K-12 Strategies That Work
A detailed, comprehensive resource for principals, teachers, superintendents, directors and policy makers, whose primary quest is to improce their schools and districts, and help all students achieve at higher levels and graduate from high school. Ontario is considered across the world as one of the fastest improving school systems, with considerable improvement in both elementary and secondary student outcomes.
Obstinate Education: Reconnecting School and Society
What should the relationship between school and society be? Obstinate Education: Reconnecting School and Society argues that education is not just there to give individuals, groups and societies what they want from it, but that education has a duty to resist. Education needs to be obstinate, not for the sake of being difficult, but in order to make sure that it can contribute to emancipation and democratisation. This requires that education always brings in the question whether what is desired from it is going to help with living life well, individually and collectively, on a planet that has a limited capacity for giving everything that is desired from it. This book argues that education should not just be responsive but should keep its own responsibility; should not just focus on empowerment but also on emancipation; and, through this, should help students to become 'world-wise.' It argues that critical thinking and classroom philosophy should retain a political orientation and not be reduced to useful thinking skills, and shows the importance of hesitation in educational relationships. This text makes a strong case for the connection between education and democracy, both in the context of schools, colleges and universities and in the work of public pedagogy.
Who's in? Who's Out?: What to Do about Inclusive Education
Who's in? Who's out? Who decides? What are we going to do about inclusive education? What kind of world do we want our children to live in? How might education help us to achieve that vision for our children? In Who's In? Who's Out? What to Do about Inclusive Education, a group of respected international scholars come together to think about education at a momentous time in global history, where the world has fractured, people are displaced and we search for new research, education programmes and political leadership to restore social cohesion and rebuild school systems that may claim to be an apprenticeship in democracy. This book highlights the challenges inclusive education researchers take on in working to dismantle barriers involving access, presence, participation and success in education. Contributors include: Elga Andriana, Michael Apple, Ann Cheryl Armstrong, Marnie Best, Roseanna Bourke, Jenni Carter, Kathy Cologon, Tim Corcoran, Deborah Crossing, Simona D'Alessio, Rosemary Ann du Plessis, David Evans, Lani Florian, Cameron Forrest, Christine Grima-Farrell, Bj rn F. Hamre, Leechin Heng, Amitya Kumara, Bindi MacGill, Laisiasa Merumeru, John Munro, Patricia O'Brien, John O'Neill, Sulochini Pather, Deborah Price, Merelesita Qeleni, Kathleen Quinlivan, Puti Ayu Setiani, Peta Skujins, Roger Slee, John Stanwick, and Peter Walker.
Working with Kids Who Bully: New Perspectives on Prevention and Intervention
Relevant for both trainee teachers and those already teaching, this book offers practitioners a proactive approach to dealing with bullying. It helps the reader to understand the degree of impact on the victim, as well supporting a deeper understanding of why some children choose to intimidate their peers, while others do not.
Introduction to Education
This book was written to provide students with an introduction to the field of education. The book is broken into chapters that focus on questions students may have about education in general. Although some chapters may go into more depth than others, this is created as an introductory text.
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
This book will help you to understand elementary mathematics more deeply, gain facility with creating and using mathematical notation, develop a habit of looking for reasons and creating mathematical explanations, and become more comfortable exploring unfamiliar mathematical situations.
On Assessment: An Exploration of Emerging Approaches
This textbook explores the “why” of assessments and how to make them more meaningful for students and teachers. It is based upon five foundational — and assessment-related — concepts: being curious, embracing the open, exercising choice, being brave, and awareness.
Trauma Informed Behaviour Support: A Practical Guide to Developing Resilient Learners
If we want to impact the world of children who have experienced trauma then we must change not only ourselves and our classroom, but we must change our schools, our organisations, and our systems of care for children. We must all speak out for these children who have no voice to bring awareness of new educational and mental health approaches to children who will become tomorrow’s failed adults unless they receive our understanding and our help.
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