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Citing: Home

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APA (American Psychological Association)

MLA (Modern Language Association)


ASA (American Sociological Association)

Guides to Plagiarism and Copyright


Avoiding Plagiarism
A brief overview of actions that might be seen as plagiarism, and guidelines for researching, quoting, and paraphrasing, from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).

Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It
From Indiana University Bloomington.


United States Copyright Office
The "basics of copyright" and the FAQ sections are especially helpful.

Using Existing Works
This page explains how copyright law enables people to use works that already exist. The information focuses on one of the main use provisions in United States copyright law, called “fair use.” From the University of Minnesota.

Tutorial: Why Citations Matter

Additional Reference Books

These books offer information on several major citation styles, as well as plagiarism, style and formatting, and other topics related to writing.

These books do not have information on citing, but do offer useful help on style, formatting, and writing in general.

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