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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

3D Printing: Tutorials

Designing 3D Models

We here at Re3D are still learning the art of 3D modeling, but here are the sources we've been using to learn certain programs! As we play around with our different software, this list will be updated!

Library Policy on Use of 3D Printers

Individuals who use the Library's 3D Printers must comply with University and Reed Library Policies.

Specifically, the library's 3D printer may not be used to create materials that are:

  • Prohibited by local, state or federal law.

  • Prohibited by University Policies.

  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.

  • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the campus environment.

  • In violation of intellectual property rights.

The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.

Daniel A. Reed LibraryThe State University of New York at Fredonia • 280 Central Ave., Fredonia, NY 14063 • 716-673-3184 • Fax: 716-673-3185 •
FB: @ReedLibraryInsta: @SUNYFredLibrary X: @SUNYFredLibrary

Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike logo Except where otherwise noted, this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.