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Searching for Books
ReedSearch is often the best place to start your search for books. Below you will find a small selection of items that exist in our physical and digital collections, as well as links to open access collections.
Books By Type
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Writing
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Writing brings together chapters by leading scholars to provide innovative and comprehensive coverage of Victorian women writers' careers and literary achievements. While incorporating the scholarly insights of modern feminist criticism, it also reflects new approaches to women authors that have emerged with the rise of book history; periodical studies; performance studies; postcolonial studies; and scholarship on authorship, readership, and publishing. It traces the Victorian woman writer's career - from making her debut to working with publishers and editors to achieving literary fame - and challenges previous thinking about genres in which women contributed with success. Chapters on poetry, including a discussion of poetry in colonial and imperial contexts, reveal women's engagements with each other and male writers. Discussions on drama, life writing, reviewing, history, travel writing, and children's literature uncover the remarkable achievement of women in fields relatively unknown.
Call Number: PR115 .C36 2015
ISBN: 9781107064843
Publication Date: 2015-10-15
A Concise Companion to Realism
A Concise Companion to Realism offers an accessible introduction to realism as it has evolved since the 19th century. Though focused on literature and literary theory, the significance of technology and the visual arts is also addressed. Comprises 17 newly-commissioned essays written by a distinguished group of contributors, including Slavoj Zizek, Frederic Jameson and Terry Eagleton Provides the historical, cultural, intellectual, and literary contexts necessary to understand developments in realism Addresses the artistic mediums and technologies such as painting and film that have helped shape the way we perceive reality Explores literary and pictorial sub-genres, such as naturalism and socialist realism Includes a brief bibliography and suggestions for further reading at the end of each section
Call Number: PR468.R42 B43 2010
ISBN: 9781444332070
Publication Date: 2010-04-26
The Norton Anthology of American Literature
The most trusted anthology for complete works, balanced selections, and helpful editorial apparatus, The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Ninth Edition, features a cover-to-cover revision. General Editor Robert Levine and the four period editors-three of whom are new to the team-have reenergized the anthology. Fresh scholarship, NEW authors and topical clusters, a NEW ebook, and an enriched instructor site make the Norton Anthology an even better teaching tool for instructors and an unmatched value for students.
Call Number: PS507 .N65 2017
ISBN: 9780393264524
Publication Date: 2017-09-15
Theory of the Novel
The novel is the most important form of Western art. It aims to represent the totality of life; it is the flagship that literature sends out against the systematic thought of science and philosophy. Indebted to Lukács and Bakhtin, to Auerbach and Ian Watt, Guido Mazzoni's Theory of the Novel breaks new ground, building a historical understanding of how the novel became the modern book of life: one of the best representations of our experience of the world. The genre arose during a long metamorphosis of narrative forms that took place between 1550 and 1800. By the nineteenth century it had come to encompass a corpus of texts distinguished by their freedom from traditional formal boundaries and by the particularity of their narratives. Mazzoni explains that modern novels consist of stories told in any way whatsoever, by narrators who exist--like us--as contingent beings within time and space. They therefore present an interpretation, not a copy, of the world. Novels grant new importance to the stories of ordinary men and women and allow readers to step into other lives and other versions of truth. As Theory of the Novel makes clear, this art form narrates an epoch and a society in which individual experiences do not converge but proliferate, in which the common world has fragmented into a plurality of small, local worlds, each absolute in its particularity.
Call Number: PN3331 .M2813 2016
ISBN: 9780674333727
Publication Date: 2017-01-02
Old English Literature
This review of the critical reception of Old English literature from 1900 to the present moves beyond a focus on individual literary texts so as to survey the different schools, methods, and assumptions that have shaped the discipline. Examines the notable works and authors from the period, including Beowulf, the Venerable Bede, heroic poems, and devotional literature Reinforces key perspectives with excerpts from ten critical studies Addresses questions of medieval literacy, textuality, and orality, as well as style, gender, genre, and theme Embraces the interdisciplinary nature of the field with reference to historical studies, religious studies, anthropology, art history, and more
ISBN: 9780631220565
Publication Date: 2016-05-02
Deep Locational Criticism
A lively series of spatial turns in literary studies since the 1990s give rise to this engaged and practical book, devoted to the question of how to teach and study the relationship between all sorts of literature and all sorts of location. Among the many concrete examples explored are texts created between the early seventeenth and the early twenty-first centuries, in genres ranging from stage drama and lyric poetry to television, by way of several studies of fiction definable in a broad way as realist. Writers and thinkers discussed include Michel de Certeau, Edward Casey, Gwendolyn Brooks, Christina Rossetti, Dickens, J. Hillis Miller, Lynne Reid Banks, Heidegger, Shakespeare, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker, Stephen C. Levinson, Bernard Malamud, E.M. Forster, Thomas Burke and Samuel Beckett. The book is underpinned by the philosophical topology of Jeff Malpas, who insists that human life is necessarily and primarily located. It is aimed at students and teachers of literary place at all university levels.
ISBN: 9789027201300
Publication Date: 2016-03-18
Literature and Truth
In Literature and Truth Richard Lansdown continues a discussion concerning the truth-bearing status of imaginative literature that pre-dates Plato. The book opens with a general survey of contemporary approaches in philosophical aesthetics, and a discussion of the contribution to the question made by British philosopher R. G. Collingwood in particular, in his Speculum Mentis. It then offers six case-studies from the Romantic era to the contemporary one as to how imaginative authors have variously dealt with bodies of discursive thought such as Stoicism, Christianity, evolution, humanism, and socialism. It concludes with a reading going in the other direction, in which the diary of Bronislaw Malinowski is seen in terms of the anthropologist's reading habits during his legendary Trobriander fieldwork.
ISBN: 9789004356849
Publication Date: 2017-11-16
World Literature in Motion : Institution, Recognition, Location
By bringing in different degrees of circulation in different regions and languages, this collection shows that while literary centers do exist in what Pascale Casanova calls “the international literary space”, their power does not operate unilaterally and modes of intercultural circulation do exist beyond their control. The title “World Literature in Motion” highlights the fact that world literature is always already the product of certain modes of conceptual and material mobility and mediation. Biographische Informationen Flair Donglai Shi (施东来) is a DPhil candidate in English at the University of Oxford. His thesis focuses on the Yellow Peril as a traveling discourse in modern Anglophone and Sinophone literatures. His research interests include postcolonial and queer theories, Victorian literature, and modern East Asian literatures. His articles have been published in many academic journals. Gareth Guangming Tan (陈光明) is a Researcher at the Asia Competitiveness Institute of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He holds a Master of Studies in World Literatures in English from the University of Oxford. His research interests include postcolonial narratives in new media, narratology and ludology, and the intersections of the postcolonial and posthuman. He served as the Editor-in-Chief for the journal Oxford Research in English. His current projects include op-eds in Singapore’s National newspaper, the Straits Times, and upcoming books on the competitiveness of sub-national economies in China and the Southeast Asian region. Reihe Studies in World Literature - Band 7
ISBN: 9783838271637
Publication Date: 2018-10-30
Migrating Fictions: Gender, Race, and Citizenship in U.S. Internal Displacements
In Migrating Fictions, Manzella turns to U.S. Women’s literature that represents internal migrations in the US in the twentieth century. This project situates itself within the “spatial turn" of literary studies to analyze the way the U.S has displayed a history of spatial colonization, which we see as a pattern we turn to a variety of seemingly disconnected forced migrations. With chapters that focus on migrations related the Dust Bowl, the Great Migration, the migration of peoples placed in Japanese American internment camps, and the migration of Southwestern migrant labor, Manzella makes some fascinating connections across narratives that would not typically be brought together. Ultimately, this project lays bare the oppressive practices of U.S. policy and reveals the resistance individual groups accessed as they completed these internal migrations.
ISBN: 9780814275986
Publication Date: 2018
Making and Unmaking in Early Modern English Drama
Why are early modern English dramatists preoccupied with unfinished processes of 'making' and 'unmaking'? And what did the terms 'finished' or 'incomplete' mean for dramatists and their audiences in this period? Making and unmaking in early modern English drama is about the significance of visual things that are 'under construction' in works by playwrights including Shakespeare, Robert Greene and John Lyly.
ISBN: 9781526103277
Publication Date: 2015-11-01
Disability, Literature, Genre: Representation and Affect in Contemporary Fiction
Examining the intersection of disability and genre in popular works of horror, crime, science fiction, fantasy, and romance published since the late 1960s,Disability, Literature, Genre is a major contribution to both cultural disability studies and genre fiction studies. Drawing on recent work on affect and emotion, the book explores how disability makes us feel, and how those feelings shape interpersonal and fictional encounters. Written in a clear and accessible style,Disability, Literature, Genre offers a timely reflection on the rapidly growing body of scholarship on disability representation, as well as an innovative new theorisation of genre. By reconceptualising genre reading as an affective process, Ria Cheyne establishes genre fiction as a key site of investigation for disability studies. She argues that genre fiction's unique combination of affectivity and reflexivity makes it ideally suited to the production of reflexive representations of disability: representations which encourage the reader to reflect upon what they understand about disability, and potentially to rethink it. Examining the affective-and effective-power of disability representations in a wide range of popular genre fiction, this book will be essential reading for academics in disability studies, literary studies, popular culture studies, and the medical humanities.
ISBN: 9781789624892
Publication Date: 2019
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