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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Research Data Management: Data Management Plan (DMP)

Effective research data management is an ongoing process that involves collecting, organizing, describing, sharing, and preserving data throughout the course of your research project.

What is a data management plan (DMP)?

A data management plan is a document outlining how a researcher plans to manage data during and after a research project including how it will be organized, maintained, and shared.

Why do you need one?

Many funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes for Health (NIH), are now requiring researchers to submit a formal DMP when applying for grants.

How do you create a DMP?

We recommend using the California Digital Library's DMPTool when creating a data management plan. This tool will walk you step-by-step through the requirements for several different funders, including NSF, NIH, NEH, IMLS, or GBMF, and provides you with an exportable data management plan. 

Tools & Resource

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