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Creating Stable Links: Home

This guide will show you how to create stable links to resources from library databases.

Why to use stable links

In most of the Library’s databases, the URL that shows in your address bar is only temporary, so if you bookmark that URL or copy and paste it, you won’t be able to access it later on. In addition, others may not be able to access articles cited using a non-stable URL. Therefore, it is important to use stable links (also called permalinks or persistent URLs (PURLs)) to bookmark, share, or cite articles and other items in the Library’s databases.

Step 1: Getting the database permalink

Academic Video Online
Copy the URL shown in the address bar.

Ebook Central
On the detail page of the book, showing the citation information and table of contents, click on “Share Link to Book” in the left sidebar. A box will pop up with the stable URL.

EBSCOhost (Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, America History & Life, etc.)
From the article record, on the right sidebar under Tools, select Permalink. A box will appear above the citation with the stable URL.

Gale (Academic OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Gale Virtual Reference Library, etc.)
From the article record, at the top, next to the search box, click the button labeled Bookmark. A pop-up box will appear with the stable URL. A video tutorial on bookmarking links from Gale is also available.

On the article, book, or journal page, copy the “Stable URL” that appears just below the item title.

ProQuest (Congressional Record, Statistical Abstract of the United States)
Scroll to near the bottom of the article record, under the Details section. Copy the URL that appears next to “Document URL.”

On the article page, copy the DOI link appearing below the article’s title and authors. 


Once you find a book/article you want to use, click the "About this article" or "About this book" tab. Highlight and copy the DOI. For books, the DOI can be found under the Bibliographic information section.

Step 2: Proxying

This step is not necessary if the link will only be used on campus.
It is also not necessary when linking to the Library catalog.

In order to make the link accessible both on and off campus, it must be modified to include the Library’s proxy URL. The proxy allows access to Library resources from off campus.

To do this, add the URL to the front of the link you obtained in step 1.

For example, if the database permalink for your article is:
then the final URL you will need to link to is:

Permalink that distinguishes the Proxy URL from the Database Permalink

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