This Guide will help you find information on eBooks available in Reed Library. An eBook (electronic book; e-book; digital book) is the digital version of a printed book, or a full-length book text that is published in digital format to be viewed on the computer, dedicated eBook readers and mobile phones.
You can read eBooks from your computer, or on an e-reader like a Kindle or Nook.
You can find eBooks owned by Reed Library in two ways.
You can search ReedSearch for your desired terms, just as you would for a print book, then limit the search to items "Available online" and then limit Material Type to "Books"
You can also access eBooks from databases that collect them. The following databases in Reed Library include eBooks:
If Reed Library doesn’t have the article, book, score, DVD, or other item you are looking for, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. This service is free!
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