Data on over 80.000 topics from over 18.000 sources onto a single platform. Provides you with access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, history and a wide variety of other areas. Download customizable graphs, infographics, and full reports that you can use in your reports.
The platform provides access to data and digital content from the US Census Bureau including some data previously available through American FactFinder. Contents: Census data.
The Accountability Project gives researchers and journalists a powerful, but simple tool to search across data that would otherwise be siloed. Our collection includes more than 1.4 billion public records. From the Reva & David Logan Foundation & the Investigative Reporting Workshop.
The U.S. government's complete geographical handbook, featuring 268 full-color maps and flags of all nations and geographical entities. Each country profile tracks such demographics as population, ethnicity and literacy rates, as well as political, geographical and economic data. Free web site.
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