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Utilizing Database RSS Feeds: EBSCOhost Databases

EBSCOhost Databases


EBSCO - Account Creation

To set up alerts in an EBSCO database, you must create an EBSCO account.
The account will work for all EBSCO databases. In any EBSCO database, follow these steps to create an account:

  1. Click “Sign In” at the top of the screen from the right toolbar.Screenshot of an EBSCOhost database with an arrow pointing to the "sign in" button
  2. From the “welcome back” page, click “sign up.”
  3. You will need to create a username and password. Complete the form and click the “Create Account” button.

EBSCO - Journal/Table of Contents Alerts

By signing into your EBSCO account, you can set up an e-mail alert to be notified when a new issue of a selected journal title is available.

To set up a journal alert:

  1. At the top of an EBSCO database search screen, click “Publications.”
    Screenshot of an EBSCOhost database with an arrow pointing to the "publications" tab
  2. You can browse the list of titles using the A-Z links or enter the publication title in the “Browsing… Publications” search box, and click on the orange RSS feed icon.
    Screenshot of an EBSCOhost database with arrows pointing to the search bar and journal RSS feed
  3. Set your alert preferences on the Create Alert form, then click Save Alert.
    Note: You have the option to set the alert to link to table of contents or to individual articles.

    Screenshot of an EBSCOhost database with an arrow pointing to the email text box

Prefer a Video Tutorial?

Journal Alert

Search Alert

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Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

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