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The State University of New York at Fredonia Reed Library

Setting Up Automated Searches: The Chronicle of Higher Education

About This Guide

Welcome! This guide will show you how to create an email alert for The Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE) articles in Academic OneFile or Academic Search Complete.

Both databases include the full text of CHE from 1999 to the present, with a 30-day delay due to the publisher's embargo. More recent issues are available in print in Reed Library.

CHE appears in Academic OneFile as PDF full text, which includes the text and images of each article exactly as printed. It appears in Academic Search Complete as HTML full text, which includes the text of all articles, but not images.

Academic OneFile

To create an automated email alert when new CHE articles appear on Academic Search Complete:

1. Access the Academic OneFile publication page for CHE.

2. Click on "Create Journal Alert" in the menu on the right.

3. In the window that appears, enter your email address and choose the alert frequency. (Note that since CHE is a weekly publication, choosing "Daily" will still result in an email once a week.) Choose the email format (HTML is suggested) and click "Submit."

Academic OneFile will email you on the selected schedule with links to the most recently added articles.

Academic Search Complete

To create an automated email alert when new CHE articles appear on Academic Search Complete:

1. Access the Academic Search Complete publication page for CHE.

2. Click the Share button on the far right, then click "E-mail Alert."

3. In the box that appears, click "Sign In."

4. If you already have an EBSCOhost account, enter your username and password, then click "Sign in" and skip to step 7.

Otherwise, click "Create one now."

5. Enter your information and click Continue.

6. You will be redirected to the sign-in screen. Enter your newly-created username and password, and click "Sign in."

7. You will be redirected to the "Create Alert" box. Enter your email address under "E-mail to" and customize the settings to your liking, then click "Save Alert."

EBSCOhost will email you with a link to the latest table of contents when a new issue appears on Academic Search Complete.

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Accessibility Statement: Reed Library is dedicated to making information accessible for everyone. If you notice an accessibility issue within this guide, please contact Katelynn Telford

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