As per the SUNY Fredonia EIT Accessibility Plan, Reed Library recognizes that certain EIT resources cannot be made accessible. It is the responsibility of the Library EIT Compliance Officer to record information on resources that only exist in inaccessible formats. Reed Library will draft exemption policies for each resource. In preparation to best serve those in need of accessible formats, we will record the following information for each resource that falls within the exemption:
- Whether the product fulfills an accreditation or grant requirement.
- The intended audience of the product.
- The audience that may be excluded due to accessibility issues.
- Details explaining how equally effective alternate access will be provided and communicated to the audience affected.
- The name(s) and title(s) of the campus employee(s) who will be responsible for ensuring equally effective alternate access.
This policy is designed to best serve all library users in an equitable way. Additionally, there are occasions where accessible formats are difficult to create. This policy is based off SUNY's Definition of Exemption: "In certain cases, meeting the accessibility standards required by these guidelines may not be feasible due to an undue burden or doing so would result in a fundamental alteration. Such assertions may only be made by the president or designee who has budgetary authority after considering all resources available for use, and must be accompanied by written statement of the reasons why. These difficulties do not relieve University programs or services from meeting EIT accessibility obligations. Equally Effective Alternative Access must be provided upon request."
An internal form will store information on exceptions to the EIT policy and outline strategies to accommodate accessibility requests. If you have any questions please contact the Reed Library EIT Compliance Officer T. John McCune ((716) 673-3115 or